Nuances Of Recruitment

A training in the “Nuances Of Recruitment”, was successfully conducted for the Domestic and the US Recruitment teams of Mindtech, Bangalore (A 25 year old Global IT Company)


  • Enhancement in the Recruitment Practices
  • Learning the tricks and tactics of Effective Customer Handling
  • Introduction to Accent Neutralization

Participants’ Experience– 6 to 10 Years

Designations– Recruiters, Senior Recruiters of Domestic & US Processes


  • Communication Skills- Telephone Etiquette, Email Etiquette, Body Language, Non Verbal Cues, Assertive Communication
  • Know your product
  • Identifying your customer/ Choosing the right candidate
  • Rapport Building
  • Handling Irate Customers
  • Positive Attitude & Empathy
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Probing skills
  • Listening skills
  • Winning over your Fears
  • Get prepared
  • Introduction to Accent Neutralization


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