The Significance of TNA- ADDIE MODEL

Here I am sharing an experience, which although might not be unique, it does have a few points to ponder upon.

I recently had a client knock me back loud (post a series of highly effective training deliveries, spanning across 7 months, in the last 1 year).

The training lead asked me, ” if I ask you to conduct a training program on how to create a presentation, what topics would you choose?’ On further probing, it turned out that the trainer who had been engaged for this program conducted a 2-day training program on “How to give a Presentation”. The participants keenly waited for the learning they had come for; however, on both the days, there was no content on “creating a ppt”.

Until I probe further, I would not know how the SEMI-IT Training of CREATING A POWER POINT PPT, fell into the kitty of a Behavioral Skills trainer. What puzzled me furthermore is this one point- how and why was the client not able to figure out the nature of the training program from the training design/plan, or was it shared in the first place?

A Behavioral Skills trainer myself, having a certification in MS Office from NIIT-1999, it did not take me long to understand that this was a case of ineffective TNA (by both the parties involved?).

Unless we the trainers, put a curb on the sharing of contents without conducting a through TNA, the trainers’ fraternity will have to bear the brunt of such malpractices.

Be it IT or Soft Skills training, following the ADDIE Model should enable us to sail through any kind of challenge in the realm of the training arena.